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Work And Service
Expertise And Passion
Planning And Daily Life
Effort And Ideals
Care And Hope
Respect And Cooperation


We believe in a world in which solidarity, social justice, peace, worldliness, and cooperation among peoples can be the basis for development.

We want a world where people and families in fragile situations live with dignity and are protagonists of their own future.

We see international cooperation as work done with and together with, respecting the local context and language, cultural and religious roots.


We prioritize activities in response to the needs of the vulnerable populations of the Global South and in particular women and children with disabilities, using the methodology of CBR- Community Based Rehabilitation/ Rehabilitation on a Community-Based Basis- as a multi-sectoral approach that aims to achieve and maintain maximum independence, full physical, mental, social and vocational capacity and full inclusion and participation in all aspects of life; a model that emphasizes inclusive community-based development and the liberation of individuals from all forms of violence. 

We base our actions on community empowerment: a method of work based on collaboration with communities, institutions, churches, and people in the areas in which we operate and focused on the self-development of social contexts by paying special attention to the institutional and regulatory context of the country. We intend to cooperate for the defense and promotion of Fundamental Human Rights as elaborated by the United Nations, and for the achievement of the 17 Development Goals as elaborated in the 2030 Agenda. Our development cooperation interventions have a specific focus on replicability at the national level of locally tested interventions, to ensure sustainability over time of the projects and programs promoted. We also work to promote rural development, support for family-based and non-intensive agriculture, improved with the contribution of sustainable methods such as agroecology and social agriculture.

Our history


On September 24, 2007, “Comunità Solidali nel Mondo ONLUS” was founded with the pursuit of the exclusive aim of social solidarity and therefore with the intent to promote non-profit activities in support of the marginalized and poor on all continents.

2008 - Tanzania
2008 – Tanzania

Start of activities at the Wangin’gombe socio-rehabilitation center. Start of a sewing school within the Ilembula mission.

2009 - Mikono Yetu
2009 – Mikono Yetu

The project began as a commercial enhancement of women’s handicraft and family production. Mikono Yetu is a brand born from the need to unify under one name the small handicrafts involved in the project. All products made go to fund the activities of the aggregation centers. The intention is to expand the production further, perhaps involving small sewing workshops in the area.

2010 - The first microcredit in Tanzania.
2010 – The first microcredit in Tanzania.

The experimental microcredit activity involved 15 women: 13 from the Wanging’ombe handicrafts group and two young disabled people attending the socio-rehabilitation center.

2011 - Inauguration of the Inuka Rehabilitation Center
2011 – Inauguration of the Inuka Rehabilitation Center

In Tanzania, in Wanging’ombe, the activities of the INUKA CBR start – Raise Your Head rehabilitation center in favor of the disabled children of the Wanging’ombe District in the Njombe Region. Starting from the small reality of the day care center, we then came to design a center including reception structures capable of hosting children and their families for weeks of intensive treatment. The new project includes 2 gyms for rehabilitation, a hostel for accommodation, highly qualified staff, school integration and microcredit activities, and the simultaneous existence of day care centers in surrounding villages.

2012 - Wanawake - Women
2012 – Wanawake – Women

Local development action to increase the family income of households with disabled child through micro-financing for agricultural startup and other personal income-generating micro-enterprises.

2013 - Shamba - The Field
2013 – Shamba – The Field

Start-up of a farm and a linked vocational school in Wanging’ombe village for economic and entrepreneurial skills transfer and community income generation to support the rehabilitation center and the local welfare.

2013 - Simama
2013 – Simama

Start of the “SIMAMA In Piedi project”, on the model of community-based rehabilitation already successfully tested by INUKA’s center. Thus, 4 socio-rehabilitation centers in different areas of the city of Mbeya, southern Tanzania, are established to give access to rehabilitation services also to children with disabilities in the Mbeya region.

2014 - Talita Kum
2014 – Talita Kum

Start-up of a laboratory for the production of orthopedic aids made of thermoplastic material in the center of Inuka.

2015 - Mission to Ecuador
2015 – Mission to Ecuador

Ecuador: first mission to approach the country and planning of the first decentralized cooperation and Civil Service projects with the Cristo della Calle association.

2016 - Solidarity Communities was recognized as an NGO by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2016 – Solidarity Communities was recognized as an NGO by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ecuador: first mission to approach the country and planning of the first decentralized cooperation and Civil Service projects with the Cristo della Calle association.

2017 - Tulime Project
2017 – Tulime Project

Tulime, let’s cultivate! Agricultural micro-development activities and support for extreme poverty of smallholder farmers in the Wanging’ombe area.

2017 - "All Inclusive" Project
2017 – “All Inclusive” Project

Launch of an international cooperation project in partnership with COPE and CEFA to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities in the city of Dar es Salaam. Specifically, “Comunità Solidali nel Mondo NGO” takes charge of the design and start-up of a Rehabilitation Center for children with disabilities located in the Kawe neighborhood; building on the positive experience of the Inuka and Simama centers, the model of community-based rehabilitation is tested in a completely different context such as that of a large metropolis.

2018 - Work progresses on the Kila Siku center in Dar Es Salaam
2018 – Work progresses on the Kila Siku center in Dar Es Salaam

All phases of raising the walls and wooden roof structure have been completed. Work is progressing and is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2019

2019 - Inauguration of the Kila Siku center in Dar Es Salaam
2019 – Inauguration of the Kila Siku center in Dar Es Salaam

All phases of raising the walls and wooden roof structure have been completed. Work is progressing and is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2019.

2019 - The center is active
2019 – The center is active

Since the opening day of the Center, 360 home visits have been conducted. 2,500 individual treatments and 120 parents and 10 local caregivers have been trained.

2020 - Hostel in the Center A. Verna Kila Siku in Dar Es Salaam
2020 – Hostel in the Center A. Verna Kila Siku in Dar Es Salaam

The work on the hostel is completed: this place can accommodate mothers and children and allow them to receive the care they need in the Rehabilitation Center. But it is also the place where professional volunteers who donate their skills and time to support the Center’s staff are hosted.

2020 - A second gym
2020 – A second gym

The work and the furnishing of the 2nd gym inside the A. Verna Kila Siku Center are completed: The Rehabilitation Center can accommodate more patients without leaving anyone behind.

2021 - The Year of SIMAMA
2021 – The Year of SIMAMA

In addition to the continued training to the mothers and staff of SIMAMA Centers, meetings were held with health workers from local health centers and hospitals, local authorities, and citizens of Mbeya City in order to promote more and more of the SIMAMA Centers and program and to reach ever more children with disabilities.

2021 - A.Verna Kila Siku and Malnutrition
2021 – A.Verna Kila Siku and Malnutrition

The Children followed by staff at the Rehabilitation Center in Dar Es Salaam are also offered specific assistance on malnutrition. Families are given food plans with the recommended number of daily meals and the type of meals to be provided. Where necessary, formula is given along with nutrient-rich flours and in major cases nutritional supplements to be added to meals.

Balance sheets

Balance sheets
The Solidarity Communities in the World’s balance are drawn up and published according to the criteria of ethics and transparency.
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